
Client & Sponsor

When you visit Southbrook's website, you'll read the above tagline, "Better grapes, better wines, better world".  Southbrook certainly lives up to these statements: their facility is organic, biodynamic, treats its wastewater onsite, and they produce their wine in a LEED gold certified facility.

In a quest to reduce their environmental footprint and reduce energy costs even more, they had a conventional energy audit performed that identified opportunities to reduce electricity consumption by 5% with an average payback of 20 years. Southbrook subsequently retained Enviro-Stewards, who were able to identify opportunities to reduce both electricity and natural gas consumption by 40% with a 4-month payback. Due to the significant electrical energy savings associated with the opportunities identified by Enviro-Stewards, Southbrook required 1/3 less solar panels to provide the balance of their electrical needs.   The original number of panels would have had to cover a ½ acre of vineyard.  Therefore, energy conservation resulted in preserving vineyard capacity to produce 50 cases per year of VQA wine. You can read more about this award-winning project here.


As part of this collaboration, Southbrook sponsors the Safe Water Project by donating 5% of wine sales to the project when customers use the promotional code "Clean50" during checkout in their online store. Here is the social impact of this program to date:

Safe Water Points



People With Safe Water



Volume of Water Provided



GHG Emissions Avoided*



*Access to safe water avoids the need to boil water. These ‘suppressed demand’ credits are not certified, although they were allowed under the Paris Accord.

Water Project Information