Project Launch Partner
The Grundfos Foundation, also known as the Poul Due Jensen Foundation, is a Danish commercial foundation created to ensure and support healthy economic growth and development of the Grundfos Group. As a component of its’ philanthropy, the foundation strives to provide access to drinking water for the world’s poorest in rural communities and forgotten refugee camps. In the spring of 2024, the foundation provided a Community Engagement Grant to Safe Water Social Ventures to pilot measures to help provide safe water to the rural poor while improving the financial sustainability of the local NGO partner (Feat Africa).
The grant will help 675 families purchase water purifiers for their homes (see map below for installations to date) and help with the launch of two safe water kiosk projects to increase local generation of funds to help families gain access to safe water. A team of Grundfos volunteers will join Enviro-Stewards and Feat Africa staff in October 2024 to provide supplemental training and to participate in roundtable discussions to generate additional training resources for scaling of the projects.
Safe Water Points
People With Safe Water
Volume of Water Provided
GHG Emissions Avoided*
*Access to safe water avoids the need to boil water. These ‘suppressed demand’ credits are not certified, although they were allowed under the Paris Accord.