Client & Sponsor
With more than 148,000 associates in 34 countries, Grupo Bimbo is the biggest bakery in the world. Grupo Bimbo retained Enviro-Stewards to complete water, energy & product conservation assessments at each of its Canadian facilities. This work won a national award (link) and was featured in a North American case study by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (link).
Metrics and summary display of savings results from a food loss prevention study performed at BIIMBO Canada with Enviro-Stewards.
In early June 2024, Grupo Bimbo asked Enviro-Stewards’ founder to provide a water webinar to its associates as part of Grupo Bimbo’s sustainability week. In appreciation of this time, Grupo Bimbo has helped 15 families purchase water purifiers for their homes (see map below).
Safe Water Social Ventures beneficiary shared her testimony of removal of water-related illnesses in her family through the use of a bio-sand filter, acquired through the SWSV.
Through corporate sponsorship donations like that from BIMBO, people like the lady featured in the picture above and their families are enabled to purchase bio-sand filters at discounted and more affordable rates, through local safe water social ventures. During a trip to Uganda in early 2024, beneficiaries of the Safe Water Social Ventures were visited at their homes with our local partner, FEAT Africa. They shared of their experiences of transformation. The lady above happily explained, “Before we started using this filter, we had problems with typhoid illness and stomach pains. Since we started using it, we no longer have these issues.”
Safe Water Points
People With Safe Water
Volume of Water Provided
GHG Emissions Avoided*
*Access to safe water avoids the need to boil water. These ‘suppressed demand’ credits are not certified, although they were allowed under the Paris Accord.